Ways to Give

The Lamb Center’s funding relies on individual and institutional gifts. Contributions – of all sizes – are direct investments that provide immediate and long-term benefits to individuals experiencing homelessness.

If you prefer to donate by check, please send your financial donations made out to “The Lamb Center” to

The Lamb Center
P.O. Box 1385
Fairfax, VA 22038-1385


Stocks and Bonds


The Lamb Center gratefully accepts gifts of donated stocks or bonds.

Gifts can be transferred directly to our investment account at Charles Schwab.

DTC Number 0164; Code 40, Account Number 8669-8818.

Please notify us of your gift so that we can thank you properly, as transfers often come in without any donor identification information. You can contact Development Director Wendy Baird (wendybaird@thelambcenter.org or 703-691-3178. ext. 275) to let us know of a gift or for questions.

The Lamb Center is committed to protecting your privacy and your personal information provided via the website. Read more.

Other Donation Options:

You can also donate supplies and clothing. We are in continuous need of personal hygiene items, laundry supplies, paper and plastic food serving products, and maintenance supplies. Browse our list, purchase some supplies and drop them off at The Lamb Center.


Bravely Breaking Free

“Jill” was alienated from her kids, living in the woods with a violent boyfriend and self-medicating with drugs and alcohol when we first met her over a decade ago. She cycled in and out of detox and domestic violence shelters for years, never able to break free.

Something To Give

Jalissa looked like a deer in the headlights. I could tell it was her first day at the Lamb Center, and I briefly introduced her to the services available. Jalissa explained that she was newly homeless, having lived in her car for the past three months.

Kathryn’s Story

“The environment of love, of being able to walk into the Lamb Center and feel that I wasn’t being judged, that I really felt the love of God here,” Kathryn shares, is what made the difference in empowering her to start her journey of hope and transformation.

Prince’s Story

When Prince was released from incarceration, he was instantly homeless. At the Lamb Center, he received food, facemasks, and other assistance. “I know God has a lot of plans for me and I know that the Lamb Center is part of God’s plan in my life,” he said.

Workplace Giving & Matching Gift Programs:

The Lamb Center is proud to be a beneficiary of United Way (#9681) and the Combined Federal Campaign of the National Capital Area (CFC #86867). Please consider supporting us through your workplace giving program. Many employers match charitable donations made by their employees. If your employer has such a program, you can double or even triple the size of your gift to The Lamb Center.

“When I came to TLC and was invited to sit at the table and I did, the world changed. (I can’t describe the feeling. The world became still and I knew that something powerful had happened when I put down my urge to bolt for the door and sat down.) I want to learn how to come alive and be God’s hands as you are at TLC. The staff and volunteers moving invisibly thru us like angels, it’s amazing. You all are ‘Saviors of damaged creatures, nurturers of transformation.'”

– Michelle, a Lamb Center Guest