Karen Kershenstein has been an active Lamb Center volunteer since December 2013. She serves as a regular kitchen volunteer and as the coordinator of the kitchen volunteers. Karen has been an active member of St. Mary of Sorrows Catholic Church since 1958. She serves as a Eucharistic Minister and coordinates bringing Communion to the sick and homebound members of the parish. In addition, she sings in several parish and diocesan choirs. She also serves as docent for St. Mary’s Historic Church. Karen earned her Ph.D. in physics from Georgetown University. She taught physics at Trinity College (now Trinity Washington University) for several years before becoming a member of the administration at Trinity, first serving as Registrar and Director of Institutional Research and then as Academic Dean. Karen worked at the U.S. Department of Education in higher education accreditation and runs a small consulting business that focuses on helping accrediting agencies improve their effectiveness.